Chaise Lounge

adcabdfd_scoobysConversions, Objects, Objects, Sofa, TS2 to TS4, TS4

The chaise lounge, or the long chair, if you will, is an upholstered sofa in the shape of a chair; who would have though it, ingenious. Anyway put your feet up and relax, because you can now download this Sims 2 conversion for The Sims 4. The Chaise comes in the six original colours and textures -

  • Beige
  • Light Grey
  • Blue, Green
  • Mustard
  • Red

The original mesh has been altered slightly to make it fit better when Sims are sitting down.
Sims will walk through the longest part of the seat to sit down, as the this item has been cloned using an S4 armchair object.

Please feel free to recolour and share; though credit where credit's due is always nice 🙂

**Please note the ojects used to create this screenshot are a combination of Maxis, Scoobysnax and other custom content creators**

How to install...

To install into your game, download the zip file and extract all contents to "Documents/Electronic Arts/Sims 4/Mods" folder.


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